Spring Night Competition season commences 26th July

Teams are being submitted for the next Night Competition season.

Hawthorn has night competition teams on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Doubles and Singles/Doubles formats are available, with options for players of various standards.

Please contact the Club if you are interested in joining a night competition team, at info@hawthorntennisclub.com.

Tennis Tips - next Beginner's Program commencing April 2021

Join our small beginners group sessions run by a qualified Coach. The interactive sessions will teach you the initial Tennis skills, techniques and tips to get you started.

Three session options available, running for 7 weeks from:

- 7.15 - 8.15pm on a Monday from 19th April (now full)

- 11 - 12pm on a Wednesday from 21st April (women only)

- 7.30 - 8.30pm on a Friday from 23rd April

To book in or for more information email the Hawthorn Tennis Club at info@hawthorntennisclub.com or call 0419020066