Competition Tennis is back!

With the easing of government restrictions, competition tennis will be resuming.

Summer Competition (Bayside Regional Tennis Association) will be commencing on Saturday 14th November. We are also currently putting together teams for the next midweek Night Competition season, commencing in February.

Please contact the Club ( if you are interested in getting involved in either of these competitions.

Hawthorn Tennis Club AGM - Monday 26th October, 7.30pm

Dear Member  

The Hawthorn Tennis Club 115th Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 26 October 2020 at 7:30pm via online video platform .  

The Committee encourages you to attend.  

Attached are the following:

1.     Agenda

2.     Minutes of previous AGM and the Special General Meeting held 31 August 2020

3.     Annual Report 2019-2020  

4. Nominations for the Committee

Please contact the Club ( if you wish to attend and we will send you a link ahead of the meeting.

Kind regards,

Demetra Giannakopoulos


Hawthorn Tennis Club

We Are Open For Tennis! From Wednesday 21st October - Hurray!

The Hawthorn Tennis Club has re-opened, as of Wednesday 21st October. We are sure you are as excited as us to get back out on the court!

Please see attached some revised FAQ's, however in summary;

  • Casual play can resume at the Club, as can coaching.

  • A maximum of 10 players are allowed to be playing at any time (not including coaches).

  • Singles and doubles play is permissible, provided no more than two households are involved in the doubles grouping.

  • The court booking spreadsheet has been set up to cater for singles play only. Please contact the club if you are wanting to play doubles, so that we can amend the spreadsheet, in order to ensure a maximum of 10 players only playing at any time.

  • Sunday Social and all competition play are on hold. 

  • The Clubhouse will remain closed.

  • All players are to wear masks pre- and post- playing.

  • Do not come to the Club to play tennis if you are unwell.

  • All players are required to continue to ensure that they use the hand sanitiser at the gate on entry and exit.

  • All players must ensure that they are adhering to the social distancing requirements.

  • Please minimise the gatherings and socialising before and after play.

  • Please resume pre-booking all play, with names and phone numbers for all players, using the online booking spreadsheet (

Thank you to all members once again for adhering to the above requirements and for your contribution to ensuring that we remain a COVID-free tennis club.

Please contact us if you have any queries (

Community Tennis Guidelines.png