Courts 1-3 Lighting Project Completed

With the Club re-emerging from hibernation, we are very excited to announce the completion of the Courts 1-3 Lighting installation project.

This Club now has all 7 courts lit, perfect timing with the Return to Play announced this week.

The key constraint at the Club over recent times has been court availability on week day evenings, with strong demand for night competition, coaching, and social play at this time. Increasing the number of lit courts from 4 to 7 courts will significantly ease this constraint and further increase the tennis offerings available at the Club.

Thanks to the Victorian Government SRV Community Grants Program for their contribution to 50% of the project cost and to SES Lighting for their ‘no fuss’ installation and a very professional job.

The new lights are a high energy efficiency LED type light, with lighting levels to competition standard whilst also ensuring minimal light spillage to neighboring properties.

We Are Open!

Dear Member,

We are pleased to advise that we have received approval from Council to re-open the Club. The Club will be re-opening for tennis (social play and coaching) from today, Wednesday 20th May.

As noted in previous correspondence to members, the Club will be re-opening in a significantly different format to normal. The key requirements that we are needing to adhere to include:

- ensuring that we have a process in place for complying with the 1.5m social distancing rule, with groups of no more than 10 people.
- facility access is only for the use of toilets.
- enhanced cleaning/sanitisation practices are in place.
- enhanced hygiene measures are in place.
- ensuring that we have a process in place for keeping a record of  everyone who is using the facility.

Attached is a guide (FAQ's) for members, detailing the measures and arrangements that have been put into place based on meeting the above requirements and which all members must read before attending the Club. Among other things it outlines that the Club will be open with reduced hours and that all players must book a court before attending the Club, there will be no walk up casual play. 

Please note that the Council have approved the re-opening of the Club on the basis that we will be ensuring that these measures are being adhered to, and have highlighted that if they are not, they will have no choice but to prevent the Club from operating. 

A few other points that the Club would like to highlight as part of the Return to Play:

- As noted in the FAQ's - please do not come to the Club if you (or a close contact) are unwell/have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Please be aware of the groups of people that are at most risk of serious infection from COVID-19 (for more information, visit: If you fall into one of these groups, please consider discussing your plan to 'return to tennis' with your GP.
- Please consider downloading the COVID Safe app, as part of our community's response to managing this pandemic.

We understand that this will be a significantly different 'look and feel' for your tennis club. The Hawthorn Tennis Club is, for many, more than just a place to play tennis - it is a place to socialise with friends and maintain a close community connection. Unfortunately, at this time, our focus does need to be solely on 'the tennis', and the Club will look to facilitate ways of catching up on 'lost (socialising) time' down the track when together we have beaten this pandemic.

As you are all aware, this situation is fluid, with subsequent changes in government restrictions expected. We will continue to keep you updated with any further changes.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Club if you have any queries; or contact Nadine Maloney 0407097398.   

The Committee 

Hawthorn Tennis Club

Hawthorn TC Christmas Party - Sunday 8th December

Come along and share some Christmas cheer at the Hawthorn Tennis Club Christmas party.

  • Social tennis from 2pm

  • BBQ from late afternoon - BYO items to cook on the BBQ and a salad to share. BYO drinks.

  •  Christmas Hamper Raffle

  • Feel free to wear something festive!

If you could please leave a contribution to the Christmas hamper raffle over the next couple of weeks that would be much appreciated! Tennis accessories, food, wine etc.

Let’s celebrate the end of another great year at the Club!

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Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018